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Jumat, 06 Januari 2012

example for lesson plan

Subject                  : Physical Science
Main Material     : Simple Machine
Class/semester    : VIII/2
Time                     : 2 x 40 minutes
I.               Standart Of Competence
5.       Comprehend role of work, force, dan energy in daily life
II.            Basic Competence
5.4.    Conduct experiments on a simple machine and its application in everyday life
III.         Indicators
1.      Demonstrate the use of some simple machine that is often encountered in daily life such as the lever (lever), a single pulley either a fixed or a moving, inclined machine, and gears (gear).
2.      Solve problems quantitatively associated with simple simple machine.

IV.         Learning Objective
Learners can:
1. Explain what a simple machine.
2. Mention a simple machine that is often encountered in everyday life.
3. Explain the mechanism of a simple machine that is often encountered in everyday life.
4. Which types of lever.
5. Explain the working principle of the lever.
6. Explaining the advantages of mechanical levers.
7. Explain the mechanical advantage pulley.
8. Explain the working principle of the inclined plane.
9. Explain the mechanical advantage inclined plane.
10. Mention examples of the utilization of the incline in everyday life.
11. Investigate the incline on the screws.
12. Explain the working principles of gear (overdrive).
V.            Learning Material
Simpel Machine         
Part of simple machine is
1.      Pulley
2.      inclined plane
3.      lever
4.      gear
VI.         Learning Method
1. Model: - Direct Instruction (DI)
  - Cooperative Learning
 2. Method: - Discussion group
                             - Lecture
3. approach: inquiri
VII.      Learning Procedure
Teacher activity
Student activity
initial activities
·         Teachers open the lesson by greeting
·          The teacher leads the prayers
·         Motivation and apperception:
1.      have you ever use a scissor?
2.      Have you ever see a gear?
3.      Where you usually see a gear?
4.      What the fungtion a gear?

1.      Students answer the greetings of teacher
2.      Students are to pray to follow instructions from teachers
3.      answering students heard from teachers and Presence

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 Core activities



Final activity
1.       The teacher gives an explanation of the learning activities to be conducted
2.       Teacher provides the questions to see the students' understanding of simple machine.
1.       The teacher guides the formation of the group. One class consists of 8 groups.
2.       The teacher distributed worksheet discussion on each group
3.        The teacher reads and instruction sheet explaining the discussion
4.       Teacher asks students to discuss the questions on the sheet discussion with a friend.

1.      After the discussion is finished, the teacher asks students to collect pieces of the discussion were collected and their respective representatives presented the results of their discussion group
2.      The teacher discusses the results of student presentations.
3.       Teacher gives students the opportunity to ask
4.       Teachers go back to the questions to check students' understanding

1.       The teacher asks one student to summarize the material that has been discussed
2.       Teachers deliver the material to be discussed at the next meeting and closed the lesson with regards

1.      students listen to explanations from the teacher
2.      students answer the questions that the teacher

1.      students follow teacher directions to form groups
2.      tudents receive a discussion sheet provided teachers
3.      students listen and pay attention to the instructions described by the teacher
4.      students discuss the questions on the discussion sheet
1.       collect student discussion sheet
and representatives of each group presented the results of discussions within the group
2.        students listen to the discussion and explanation of teacher
3.       asking students the material that has not been understood
4.       students answer questions from the teacher
1.       One student concluded the material
2.       Students listen to explanations of material to be delivered next wee
3.       Responding to greetings from teachers

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VIII.   Media and Opperate
Power point
IX.         Assement and Follow up
A.    Valuation Techniques
- Written test
B.     Shape Instrument
- Multiple-choice test
- Test description
C.    Examples of Instruments
a)      a multiple choice test
b)     Test description
Example  of test descriptions
A person is only able to lift objects with a force 60 N. Determine the weights he could lift, if:
a. using a single fixed pulley
b. using a pulley move

X.            Refference
a. Integrated science books Jl.2B (Esis) pages 49-64
b. Relevant reference books
c. Environment  
d. Equipment and lab materials

Semarang, 14 October 2011
Head master                                                                                        Subject teachers of physics

Drs. Steven Gerrard, S. Pd                                                              Edi Susilo, S. Pd.
NIP.                                                                                                   NIP. 09330183

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